czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2011


Nothing much to say today. It suppose to be boring day so... i've decided to play some old games during next two weeks. Today i'm gonna play Settlers II. The old one.

I just love this game. Played it 12years ago, sometimes still playing. For some people it could be boring but for me this game can give more fun that many new RTS'es. So see you tommorow (maybe on a hangover... we'll see ;P)

17 komentarzy:

  1. I never played this game. I've never given any RTS game a chance. Maybe I will play one today.

  2. S2 is probably the second best game ever sold

  3. From a glance, it reminded me of ActRaiser. I'm in the mood for some gaming right now actually....might check what this is all about.

  4. I'm really bored so I might try it

  5. Ahhh nice man, have not played settlers, heard it was an awesome game. Reminds me of the original Age of Empires, used to play that game so much.

  6. I remember playing it! great game

  7. I played that for like 5mins at a friends house once lol but never got into it.

  8. I love strategy games like this, you got any recommendations for someone who'd like something with a bit more graphics?

  9. Candesence: Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary

    R.C: thanks for great title, gonna play this next week (;

    Bill: i never get into AoE... not my type of strategy games. and S2 not WAS. it IS a awesome game (;

  10. steller 2 is a really great game, good choise

  11. Hahahhaha. Great post! I love this blog!!!! Don't forget about me man :)

  12. old games are some of the best games

  13. AoE fook yar. I've not played settlers but i hear lots of reminiscing about it.
